Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ProductInfo |
Information about the product itself |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsProductCode |
None. |
CurrentYear |
Sales and Inward counts for the Current Year |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsTotals |
None. |
PreviousYear |
Sales and Inward counts for the Previous Year |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsTotals |
None. |
MinusTwoYears |
Sales and Inward counts for two years ago |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsTotals |
None. |
CurrentStock1 |
The current stock level in Stock Location 1 |
integer |
None. |
CurrentStock2 |
The current stock level in Stock Location 2 |
integer |
None. |
CurrentStock3 |
The current stock level in Stock Location 3 |
integer |
None. |
GroupStock |
The amount of stock available in other branches/outlets |
integer |
None. |