Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ID |
The Bonus ID |
integer |
None. |
Description |
A short description of what the bonus does. Specified by the operator who setup the promotion. |
string |
None. |
OrderBy |
The order in which the bonuses should be applied |
integer |
None. |
Recursive |
Determines if the bonus should be applied again and again for each matching condition found. For instance BOGOF where 10 of that product are in the basket. |
boolean |
None. |
BonusType |
The type of bonus to be applied. |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsPromotionBonus+BonusTypeEnum |
None. |
XValue |
The main value used in the bonus. |
decimal number |
None. |
YValue |
A secondary value. Used mainly to specify the number of cheapest products applicable. |
decimal number |
None. |
GiftInfo |
Specifies the details about the free (or reduced) products that should be added to the sale when the bonus is applied. Applicable only when the Bonus Type is 50 |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsPromotionBonusGiftInfo |
None. |
FriendlyOutline |
Read-Only. A simple human-friendly description of what the bonus does. |
string |
None. |