Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Name |
The Name of the item... i.e. Guiness |
string |
Required |
UnitPrices |
The unit prices of the product i.e. £4.50. There will be a maximum of 10 price levels. Price level 1 is the default. |
Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.clsPrice |
Required |
The PLU number of the product. Could be used to enter or scan the product, rather than choose from the menu system. |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 35 |
FollowOns |
A list of any questions/customisations for the item. |
Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.clsTillMenuChoice |
None. |
IsOpenPriced |
If true, the client should not use the price provided, but rather it should prompt the user for the price. |
boolean |
Required |
IsOpenDescription |
If true, the client should not use the product description provided, but rather it should prompt the user for the description. |
boolean |
Required |
ImageID |
This is the Eskimo Image ID assigned to the menu item. Can use api/Images/ImageData/{id} to obtain the image |
integer |
None. |
TaxID |
See api/TaxCodes/All |
integer |
None. |
ProductDescription | string |
None. |
ColourName | string |
None. |
ColourValue | string |
None. |
Size | string |
None. |
StockWarnLevel | integer |
None. |
StockLevel | integer |
None. |
NoDiscountAllowed | boolean |
None. |