GET api/Orders/WebsiteOrder/{ID}
Retrieves a singular order class for a specific web order ID
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
ID | integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
EskimoClassLibraries.clsOrderExtName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ShippingTypeID |
See api/Orders/FulfilmentMethods |
integer |
None. |
ShippingTypeName |
The name of the Fulfilment Method |
string |
None. |
CustomerInfo |
The Customer's main details. |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsCustomer |
None. |
ShopID |
Shop Code that the order is assigned to. See api/Shops/All |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 3 |
ShopName |
The name of the shop |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
order_id |
The numerical ID of the order. This is not an Eskimo ID, but rather the ID generated by website/cart. |
integer |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 2147483647 |
ExternalIdentifier |
This is an optional secondary reference. Some references are text-based and therefore cannot be inserted into the order_id field. If omitted, a GUID will be assigned. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
OrderType |
The sales channel of the order being inserted. See api/Sales/Channels |
integer |
Required |
eskimo_customer_id |
The Eskimo Customer ID in the format 123-123456. |
string |
Required Matching regular expression pattern: \d{3}[-]\d{6} String length: inclusive between 10 and 10 |
order_date |
The date the customer placed the order |
date |
Required |
invoice_amount |
The total value of the order. (A sum of the OrderedItems plus the Carriage) |
decimal number |
Required |
amount_paid |
The amount of the order that has been paid. |
decimal number |
Required |
order_discount |
The sum of any order level discounts. As Eskimo does not have an order-level discount, this amount will be evenly applied to each product line |
decimal number |
None. |
DeliveryAddress |
Exclude if equal to the invoice address |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsOrderAddressInfo |
None. |
InvoiceAddress | EskimoClassLibraries.clsOrderAddressInfo |
Required |
OrderedItems |
All the items the customer purchased |
Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.clsOrderItemExt |
Required |
CustomerReference |
Optional reference that the customer wants to refer to the order as. I.e. 'Presents for Debbie' |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
OrderNotes |
Free text general notes. |
string |
None. |
DeliveryNotes |
Free text delivery notes. i.e. 'Please leave package in porch if no reply.' |
string |
None. |
ShippingRateID |
The ID of the shipping rate used on the order. See api/Orders/FulfilmentMethods |
integer |
Required |
ShippingAmountGross |
The Shipping Value (inc. tax) |
decimal number |
Required |
CustomerAccountValuePaid |
If the client is offering a saving scheme to their customers, this field can be used to reduce the customer's balanace by the amount provided, whilst linking that reduction with this order. |
decimal number |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 7.92281625142643E+28 |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "ShippingTypeID": 1, "ShippingTypeName": "sample string 2", "CustomerInfo": { "ID": "sample string 1", "Forename": "sample string 2", "Surname": "sample string 3", "CompanyName": "sample string 4", "MarketingFlagsID": [ 1, 2 ], "AccountBalance": 1.0, "CustomerType": 0, "ShopVisibility": { "VisibleEverywhere": true, "ShopIDs": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ] }, "ShopCreatedBy": "sample string 5", "PriceListID": null, "PriceLevel": 1, "AutomaticDiscountPercentage": 0, "Notes": "sample string 6", "Telephone": "sample string 7", "Mobile": "sample string 8", "EmailAddress": "sample string 9", "WebsiteAddress": "sample string 10", "ActiveAccount": true, "Address": "sample string 12", "PostCode": "sample string 13", "TitleID": 1, "CountryCode": "sample string 14", "ExternalID": "sample string 15", "MainAddress": { "Company": "sample string 1", "Line1": "sample string 2", "Line2": "sample string 3", "Line3": "sample string 4", "PostalTown": "sample string 5", "Region": "sample string 6", "PostCode": "sample string 7", "CountryCode": "sample string 8", "Active": true } }, "ShopID": "sample string 3", "ShopName": "sample string 4", "order_id": 5, "ExternalIdentifier": "sample string 6", "OrderType": 7, "eskimo_customer_id": "sample string 8", "order_date": "2025-03-09T15:32:42.3326017+00:00", "invoice_amount": 10.0, "amount_paid": 11.0, "order_discount": 12.0, "DeliveryAddress": { "FAO": "sample string 1", "AddressLine1": "sample string 2", "AddressLine2": "sample string 3", "AddressLine3": "sample string 4", "PostalTown": "sample string 5", "County": "sample string 6", "CountryCode": "sample string 7", "PostCode": "sample string 8" }, "InvoiceAddress": { "FAO": "sample string 1", "AddressLine1": "sample string 2", "AddressLine2": "sample string 3", "AddressLine3": "sample string 4", "PostalTown": "sample string 5", "County": "sample string 6", "CountryCode": "sample string 7", "PostCode": "sample string 8" }, "OrderedItems": [ { "qty_shipped": 1, "qty_refunded": 2, "id": "sample string 3", "status": 0, "lineID": 1, "sku_code": "sample string 4", "qty_purchased": 5, "unit_price": 6.0, "line_discount_amount": 7.0, "item_note": "sample string 8", "item_description": "sample string 9", "vat_rate": 1.0, "vat_id": 1, "kit_product_type": 1, "kit_parent_line": 1 }, { "qty_shipped": 1, "qty_refunded": 2, "id": "sample string 3", "status": 0, "lineID": 1, "sku_code": "sample string 4", "qty_purchased": 5, "unit_price": 6.0, "line_discount_amount": 7.0, "item_note": "sample string 8", "item_description": "sample string 9", "vat_rate": 1.0, "vat_id": 1, "kit_product_type": 1, "kit_parent_line": 1 } ], "CustomerReference": "sample string 13", "OrderNotes": "sample string 14", "DeliveryNotes": "sample string 15", "ShippingRateID": 16, "ShippingAmountGross": 17.0, "CustomerAccountValuePaid": 1.0 }
application/xml, text/xml
<clsOrderExt xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <CustomerAccountValuePaid>1</CustomerAccountValuePaid> <CustomerReference>sample string 13</CustomerReference> <DeliveryAddress> <AddressLine1>sample string 2</AddressLine1> <AddressLine2>sample string 3</AddressLine2> <AddressLine3>sample string 4</AddressLine3> <CountryCode>sample string 7</CountryCode> <County>sample string 6</County> <FAO>sample string 1</FAO> <PostCode>sample string 8</PostCode> <PostalTown>sample string 5</PostalTown> </DeliveryAddress> <DeliveryNotes>sample string 15</DeliveryNotes> <ExternalIdentifier>sample string 6</ExternalIdentifier> <InvoiceAddress> <AddressLine1>sample string 2</AddressLine1> <AddressLine2>sample string 3</AddressLine2> <AddressLine3>sample string 4</AddressLine3> <CountryCode>sample string 7</CountryCode> <County>sample string 6</County> <FAO>sample string 1</FAO> <PostCode>sample string 8</PostCode> <PostalTown>sample string 5</PostalTown> </InvoiceAddress> <OrderNotes>sample string 14</OrderNotes> <OrderType>7</OrderType> <OrderedItems> <clsOrderItemExt> <item_description>sample string 9</item_description> <item_note>sample string 8</item_note> <kit_parent_line>1</kit_parent_line> <kit_product_type>FixedHeader</kit_product_type> <lineID>1</lineID> <line_discount_amount>7</line_discount_amount> <qty_purchased>5</qty_purchased> <sku_code>sample string 4</sku_code> <unit_price>6</unit_price> <vat_id>1</vat_id> <vat_rate>1</vat_rate> <id>sample string 3</id> <qty_refunded>2</qty_refunded> <qty_shipped>1</qty_shipped> <status>InitialStatus</status> </clsOrderItemExt> <clsOrderItemExt> <item_description>sample string 9</item_description> <item_note>sample string 8</item_note> <kit_parent_line>1</kit_parent_line> <kit_product_type>FixedHeader</kit_product_type> <lineID>1</lineID> <line_discount_amount>7</line_discount_amount> <qty_purchased>5</qty_purchased> <sku_code>sample string 4</sku_code> <unit_price>6</unit_price> <vat_id>1</vat_id> <vat_rate>1</vat_rate> <id>sample string 3</id> <qty_refunded>2</qty_refunded> <qty_shipped>1</qty_shipped> <status>InitialStatus</status> </clsOrderItemExt> </OrderedItems> <ShippingAmountGross>17</ShippingAmountGross> <ShippingRateID>16</ShippingRateID> <amount_paid>11</amount_paid> <eskimo_customer_id>sample string 8</eskimo_customer_id> <invoice_amount>10</invoice_amount> <order_date>2025-03-09T15:32:42.3326017+00:00</order_date> <order_discount>12</order_discount> <order_id>5</order_id> <CustomerInfo> <AccountBalance>1</AccountBalance> <ActiveAccount>true</ActiveAccount> <Address>sample string 12</Address> <CompanyName>sample string 4</CompanyName> <CountryCode>sample string 14</CountryCode> <CustomerType>TradeCustomer</CustomerType> <EmailAddress>sample string 9</EmailAddress> <ExternalID>sample string 15</ExternalID> <Forename>sample string 2</Forename> <ID>sample string 1</ID> <MainAddress> <Active>true</Active> <Company>sample string 1</Company> <CountryCode>sample string 8</CountryCode> <Line1>sample string 2</Line1> <Line2>sample string 3</Line2> <Line3>sample string 4</Line3> <PostCode>sample string 7</PostCode> <PostalTown>sample string 5</PostalTown> <Region>sample string 6</Region> </MainAddress> <MarketingFlagsID xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:int>1</d3p1:int> <d3p1:int>2</d3p1:int> </MarketingFlagsID> <Mobile>sample string 8</Mobile> <Notes>sample string 6</Notes> <PostCode>sample string 13</PostCode> <ShopCreatedBy>sample string 5</ShopCreatedBy> <ShopVisibility> <ShopIDs xmlns:d4p1=""> <d4p1:string>sample string 1</d4p1:string> <d4p1:string>sample string 2</d4p1:string> </ShopIDs> <VisibleEverywhere>true</VisibleEverywhere> </ShopVisibility> <Surname>sample string 3</Surname> <Telephone>sample string 7</Telephone> <TitleID>1</TitleID> <WebsiteAddress>sample string 10</WebsiteAddress> </CustomerInfo> <ShippingTypeID>1</ShippingTypeID> <ShippingTypeName>sample string 2</ShippingTypeName> <ShopID>sample string 3</ShopID> <ShopName>sample string 4</ShopName> </clsOrderExt>