
GET api/Account/UserInfo

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/ChangePassword

No documentation available.

POST api/Account/Register

No documentation available.


POST api/Addresses/Insert/{CustomerID}/{AddressRef}

No documentation available.

POST api/Addresses/Update/{CustomerID}/{AddressRef}

No documentation available.

POST api/Addresses/Search

No documentation available.

POST api/Addresses/AddressValidationSummary

Returns a list of address descriptions based on an input postcode.

GET api/Addresses/AddressValidationDetailed/{id}

Returns a list of address descriptions based on an input postcode.


POST api/Barcode/GetInfo

Retrieves info about a barcode. How many sold and inwarded for the last three years as well as current stock information. This is useful for a handheld device or similar.

POST api/Barcode/ApplyAction

Makes a note of an action for a particular barcode, i.e. Print label, Flag for order, stock inward.


GET api/Categories/All

Retrieves a class collection of all categories, both top-level and child.

GET api/Categories/SpecificID/{id}

Retrieves a singular category class for a specific Category ID

GET api/Categories/ChildCategories/{id}

Retrieves a class collection of all 'children' categories for a certain Parent ID.

POST api/Categories/UpdateCartIDs

Updates the Eskimo database with the IDs used by the Website.


POST api/CategoryProducts/All

Return a batch of CategoryProduct class objects (max 10,000 at a time).

GET api/CategoryProducts/SpecificCategory/{id}

Return a batch of CategoryProduct class objects for a specific category.


POST api/Colours/Insert

No documentation available.

PUT api/Colours/Update

No documentation available.

DELETE api/Colours/Delete/{id}

No documentation available.

GET api/Colours/GetAll

No documentation available.


POST api/Countries/Search

Retrieves a list of Countries


POST api/Courier/GetTemplate

No documentation available.

POST api/Courier/CreateShipments

No documentation available.


GET api/Customers/SpecificID/{ID}

Retrieves a singular customer class for a specific ID

POST api/Customers/AccountActivitySearch

Retrieve customer account activity/history (i.e. payments, sales, adjustments.)

POST api/Customers/InsertAccountPayment

Insert a customer account payment

POST api/Customers/InsertAccountAdjustment

Insert a customer account adjustment to alter the balance

POST api/Customers/SearchInvoicePayments

Retrieve customer payments for invoices

GET api/Customers/Titles

Retrieves all possible customer titles as setup in the Eskimo system.

POST api/Customers/Search

Search the Customer File and return all matching record(s). (Maximum 250)

POST api/Customers/MarketingFlags

Returns all the marketing flags that are presented to customers so that they can opt-in to varying options.

POST api/Customers/CustomersDump

Iterates all the customers in the database. Used mainly for exporting all information to till for offline use.

POST api/Customers/Insert

Inserts a new customer into the database and return the class containing the ID.

POST api/Customers/Update

Updates an existing customer in the database.


POST api/ExternalCategories/Insert

Inserts (or updates) category and Item Specific information into the database. This can be used to populate the Eskimo system with the lastest category information from eBay or Amazon.

POST api/ExternalCategories/SpecificID

Retrieves a singular external category class for a specific ID and Type


POST api/GiftCards/BalanceEnquiry

No documentation available.

POST api/GiftCards/Increment

No documentation available.

POST api/GiftCards/Redeem

No documentation available.

GET api/ImageLinks/AllNew

No documentation available.

POST api/ImageLinks/All

Return a batch of Image Link class objects (max 10,000 at a time). This will help you make a link between the Image ID and the Product ID for example, or the Image ID and the SKU ID. The same Image could be linked to more than one product.

POST api/ImageLinks/Insert

No documentation available.

POST api/ImageLinks/UpdateCartIDs

Updates the Eskimo database with the IDs used by the Website.


GET api/Images/ImageURLWithFileName/{filename}?token={token}&image_id={image_id}

Same as api/Images/ImageURL but with the addition of a filename. Some carts require the url to end with the filename i.e. Nothing at all is done with the filename, it is ignored, so you can pass 111.jpg on every call.

POST api/Images/All

Return a batch of image class objects (max 10,000 at a time).

GET api/Images/AllNew

Return a batch of image class objects (max 10,000 at a time). Rather than specifying a date/time where images have been added/modified since, this call returns all images that have not been flagged as received. Images can be flagged as received by calling the api/Images/UpdateCartIDs endpoint.

POST api/Images/UpdateCartIDs

Updates the Eskimo database with the IDs used by the Website.

GET api/Images/ImageData/{id}

A method to obtain an image stream for a singular image.

PUT api/Images/UpdateAsBase64

No documentation available.

POST api/Images/InsertAsBase64

Used to Insert an Image into the Eskimo system

GET api/Images/AsBase64/{id}

A method to retrieve an image stream for a singular image in Base64 format

GET api/Images/ImageURL?token={token}&image_id={image_id}

Some carts require a direct URL link to import product images. This is a method to obtain the URL of an image outside of oAuth.


POST api/Layaways/Search

No documentation available.

DELETE api/Layaways/DeleteLayaway/{id}?store_num={store_num}

Deletes a layaway

POST api/Layaways/Insert

Inserts a layaway entry


POST api/Listings/AllUnlisted

Retrieves a list of all items that have not yet been listed externally. For example all eBay listings.

GET api/Listings/ListingImage?strDataKey={strDataKey}

No documentation available.

POST api/Listings/MarkAsListed

Marks a listing a 'listed'. This means that is has been posted onto the external site whether that be eBay or Amazon.


GET api/MeasureUnits/All

Retrieves a list of all the measurement units setup in Eskimo


POST api/Operators/Search

Retrieves a list of Operators (or Clerks)


POST api/Orders/Insert

Use this to insert an order into the Eskimo system.

POST api/Orders/InsertReturn

Use this to insert a return for one or more items on an existing order.

GET api/Orders/StatusCodes

Retrieves a list of status codes that an order can be in.

POST api/Orders/SetLineStatus

Sets the status of order lines.

GET api/Orders/WebsiteOrder/{ID}

Retrieves a singular order class for a specific web order ID

GET api/Orders/FulfilmentMethods

Retrieves a collection of shipping methods and their certieria for application

POST api/Orders/SearchUnfulfilled

No documentation available.

POST api/Orders/Search

No documentation available.

POST api/Orders/ModifiedOrders

Retrieves a collection of orders that have been modified (despatched)


DELETE api/ProductGroups/Delete/{id}/{grouping_level}

No documentation available.

POST api/ProductGroups/Insert

No documentation available.

PUT api/ProductGroups/Update

No documentation available.

GET api/ProductGroups/GetAll

No documentation available.


POST api/Products/All

Returns a batch of product objects (max 10,000 at a time). Initially this could be used to populate the website database with all of Eskimo's products, this would be done by looping through all the products with no filtering. Once the initial population is done, a timestamp could be stored locally. Smaller daily or hourly requests could then be made to find any new or changed products since the last request by passing the local stored date into the body parameter RecordSelectionWithDate

POST api/Products/PackagesSearch

Returns a collection of packages. A package is a set of products that can be bought for a set price. An example would be a kit for a school child that would include everything they would need to start a new school/year. Packages are made up of a set of choices where the purchaser can make decisions within a set of boundaries. For example, depending on the gender of their child, they can choose between a shirt or a blouse and also between a pair of trousers or a skirt.

GET api/Products/SpecificID/{id}

Retrieves product data for a certain product

POST api/Products/UpdateCartIDs

Updates the Eskimo database with the IDs used by the Website. The Eskimo will supply products with a primary key of type 'string'. You may use the information retrived from Eskimo to populate your own MySQL database of a cart (i.e. OpenCart or CS Cart for instance). These carts may not a) give you the ability to store the primary key as a string - they may be auto-increment integers b) they may be read-only anyway. In these cases, you can use this function to store the ID generated by the Cart application back into Eskimo for future correlation.


POST api/ProductStates/Index

No documentation available.


POST api/ProductTypes/Index

No documentation available.


GET api/Quotes/SingleQuote/{quote_id}/{store}

No documentation available.

POST api/Quotes/Search

Searches for existing customer quotations

POST api/Quotes/Insert

Inserts a new customer quotation

POST api/Quotes/ChangeStatus

No documentation available.


POST api/Reasons/Search

No documentation available.


GET api/Sales/RetrieveSale/{Store}/{Till}/{Receipt}

No documentation available.

POST api/Sales/InsertSale

Use this to insert a sale into the Eskimo system.

POST api/Sales/SaleReturnItems

No documentation available.

POST api/Sales/Search

Brings back an array of sales based on the search criteria.

POST api/Sales/Channels

Returns a list of the current sales channels that this Eskimo system accepts.


GET api/Shops/All

Retrieves a list of all the showrooms/shops

GET api/Shops/SpecificID/{id}

Retrieves a singular shop class for a specific Eskimo ID/code


POST api/SKUs/All

Returns a batch of SKU objects (max 10,000 at a time). Initially this could be used to populate the website database with all of Eskimo's SKUs, this would be done by looping through all the entries with no filtering. Once the initial population is done, a timestamp could be stored locally. Smaller daily or hourly requests could then be made to find any new or changed SKUs since the last request by passing the local stored date into the body parameter RecordSelectionWithDate

GET api/SKUs/SpecificSKUCode/{id}

Retrieves a certain SKU. There may be multiple records if this SKU is linked to multiple Trade Customers.

GET api/SKUs/SpecificIdentifier/{id}

Retrieves all SKUs for a certain product.

POST api/SKUs/CustomAttribuesSearch

Retrieves all custom attribues with their values. Links to these will be on the clsSKU object if applicable.

POST api/SKUs/UpdateCartIDs

Updates the Eskimo database with the IDs used by the Website. The Eskimo will supply SKUs with a primary key of type 'string'. You may use the information retrived from Eskimo to populate your own MySQL database of a cart (i.e. OpenCart or CS Cart for instance). These carts may not a) give you the ability to store the primary key as a string - they may be auto-increment integers b) they may be read-only anyway. In these cases, you can use this function to store the ID generated by the Cart application back into Eskimo for future correlation.

POST api/SKUs/Insert

No documentation available.

PUT api/SKUs/Update

No documentation available.


POST api/Stock/Adjust

Make a singular stock adjustment to a SKU

POST api/Stock/MultiAdjust

Make a range of stock adjustments to one or multiple SKUs


GET api/StockTaking/GetProductData

Retrieves a list of products and operators that can be used for stock taking.

POST api/StockTaking/IncrementCounts

Increments the counted figure for a collection of products

GET api/StockTaking/RetrieveAreas

Retrieves a distinct list of all areas counted in this stock take.

POST api/StockTaking/ValidateStockTake

Retrieves a list of all counts. This can be used to match up with local data


POST api/Styles/InsertStyle

No documentation available.

PUT api/Styles/UpdateStyle

No documentation available.


GET api/TaxCodes/All

Retrieves a list of all the VAT/Tax codes

GET api/TaxCodes/SpecificID/{id}

Retrieves a singular tax code class for a specific Eskimo ID


POST api/Tenders/All

Return a batch of tender class objects


GET api/TillMenu/PriceListDump/{PageSize}/{PageRequired}

Iterates all the Price Lists in the database. Used mainly for exporting all information to till for offline use.

GET api/TillMenu/PriceBreaksDump/{PageSize}/{PageRequired}

Iterates all the Price Lists in the database. Used mainly for exporting all information to till for offline use.

POST api/TillMenu/Areas

Returns a list of Charge Areas and the Charges underneath.

POST api/TillMenu/Products

Returns a collection of all the products that can be sold.

POST api/TillMenu/SaleIDs

No documentation available.

POST api/TillMenu/ProductsDump

Iterates all the products in the database. Used mainly for exporting all information to till for offline use.

POST api/TillMenu/Sections

Returns product section and product data for the Eskimo Range App

POST api/TillMenu/LogEntry

No documentation available.

GET api/TillMenu/GetPendingActions?token={token}

Retrieves a list of actions that need to be performed on the till

POST api/TillMenu/RecordActionResult

Used to store the result of an action

POST api/TillMenu/ProductSearch

Returns a collection of products based on the supplied search criteria. This can be used when the Products action has not yet finished running - perhaps as a background task.

GET api/TillMenu/SourceCodes

Returns a collection of source codes. These identify the origin of a customer's interest in a company. It may be that they saw an offer in the paper for the company where they could receive a 10% discount if they quoted a certain voucher code. This voucher code might be tied to a source code, which would enable the marketing department to be able to report on how effective the mailshot was.

POST api/TillMenu/CashingUp

Returns data used by the Web Office so that till(s) can be reconciled.

POST api/TillMenu/CashingUpBreakdown

No documentation available.

POST api/TillMenu/FollowOnProducts

Returns a collection of follow-on products. These are products that pop-up after a product is added to the basket.

POST api/TillMenu/ProductInformation

Returns information about the till unit being used. A 405 (Method Not Allowed) will be received if the user has not yet been setup for a specific till. A 404 (Not Found) will be received if the user has been assigned to a till, but incorrectly.

GET api/TillMenu/RegisterHardwareToken

No documentation available.

POST api/TillMenu/UnitInfoByEmail

No documentation available.

POST api/TillMenu/UnitInfo

Returns information about the till unit being used. A 404 (Not found) will be received if the device token has not been found. A 405 (Method Not Allowed) will be received if the user has not yet been assigned a till number.

POST api/TillMenu/CustomerHistoricSearch

No documentation available.