POST api/Sales/Search
Brings back an array of sales based on the search criteria.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
EskimoClassLibraries.GetSaleArgumentsName | Description | Type | Additional information |
FromDate |
Return orders greater than this date/time |
date |
Required |
ToDate |
Return orders greater earlier this date/time |
date |
Required |
IncludeProductDetails |
If only the Header information is required, then pass false, otherwise pass true and more information about the ordered items will be included in the Items field. |
boolean |
Required |
CustomerID |
The unique ID of the customer. This is in the format 000-000000 where the first three digits represent the Shop/Showroom code. |
string |
Matching regular expression pattern: \d{3}[-]\d{6} String length: inclusive between 10 and 10 |
StoreNumber |
The Code of the shop the order is assigned to. See api/Shops/All |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 3 |
ReceiptNumber |
Optional. Receipt Number |
integer |
None. |
TillNumber |
Optional. Till Number |
integer |
None. |
ExternalIdentifier |
Optional. The unique external sales identifier. |
string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "FromDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.179969+00:00", "ToDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.179969+00:00", "IncludeProductDetails": true, "CustomerID": "sample string 4", "StoreNumber": "sample string 5", "ReceiptNumber": 1, "TillNumber": 1, "ExternalIdentifier": "sample string 6" }
application/xml, text/xml
<GetSaleArguments xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <CustomerID>sample string 4</CustomerID> <ExternalIdentifier>sample string 6</ExternalIdentifier> <FromDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.179969+00:00</FromDate> <IncludeProductDetails>true</IncludeProductDetails> <ReceiptNumber>1</ReceiptNumber> <StoreNumber>sample string 5</StoreNumber> <TillNumber>1</TillNumber> <ToDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.179969+00:00</ToDate> </GetSaleArguments>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.clsSaleExtName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ShippingAmountNet |
The Shipping Value (exc. tax) |
decimal number |
None. |
TillSystemVersion |
Optional. The version of the EPOS software used for the sale. Useful for fault tracking. |
integer |
None. |
CustomerRequestedEReceipt |
The customer gave permission for their receipt to be sent via email. |
boolean |
Required |
Items |
The products in the sale |
Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.clsSalesItemExt |
Required |
Tenders |
The tenders used to pay for the sale. |
Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.clsTenderEntry |
Required |
TotalOrder | decimal number |
None. |
TillNumber |
From api/TillMenu/UnitInfo |
integer |
Required |
ReceiptNumber |
Optional. If passed, this will be used, otherwise the next receipt number will be issued by the system. |
integer |
None. |
StoreID |
Shop Code that the sale is assigned to. See api/Shops/All |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 3 and 3 |
ExternalIdentifier |
This is an optional secondary reference. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
EskimoCustomerID |
The Eskimo Customer ID in the format 123-123456. |
string |
Matching regular expression pattern: \d{3}[-]\d{6} String length: inclusive between 10 and 10 |
DatePlaced |
The date the customer placed the sale |
date |
Required |
DeliveryDate |
Optional. Only applicable if items in the sale are marked to be ordered. This is the date the customer would like their order delivered. This could be specified because they are going on holiday and do not want delivery to occur until they return. |
date |
None. |
InvoiceAddress |
The Invoice Address for any products ordered. Can be left null if irrevant or there are no changes to the address. If populated though, the address will either be added or updated where necessary |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsAddress |
None. |
DeliveryAddress |
The Delivery Address for any products ordered. Can be left null if irrevant or there are no changes to the address. If populated though, the address will either be added or updated where necessary |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsAddress |
None. |
ClickAndCollectShop |
Optional. If any of the items are for a sales channel that creates an order for a customer, this is the shop that the goods can be collected from. See api/Shops/All |
string |
String length: inclusive between 3 and 3 |
InvoiceAddressRef |
When products are being ordered, this is the Address Reference for the Invoice Address. Defaults to 'MAIN' if not passed. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 1 and 12 |
DeliveryAddressRef |
When products are being ordered, this is the Address Reference for the Delivery Address. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 1 and 12 |
InvoiceFAO |
The person's name that will receive the invoice when items have been ordered. |
string |
None. |
DeliveryFAO |
When items have been ordered, this is the name of the person that the parcel is destined for. Not necessarily the same as the customer making the purchase. |
string |
None. |
CustomerReference |
Optional reference that the customer wants to refer to the order as. I.e. 'Presents for Debbie' |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
SaleNotes |
Any notes you need saved against the transaction |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 400 |
OrderNotes |
Free text order notes. i.e. 'Please ship all items in the same consignment.' (Only applicable if items with a CustomerAction > -1 are present.) |
string |
None. |
DeliveryNotes |
Free text delivery notes. i.e. 'Please leave package in porch if no reply.' (Only applicable if items with a CustomerAction > -1 are present.) |
string |
None. |
ShippingRateID |
The ID of the shipping rate used on the sale. See api/Orders/FulfilmentMethods. |
integer |
None. |
ShippingAmountGross |
The Shipping Value (inc. tax) |
decimal number |
None. |
OrderStatus |
Optional. If the sales channel of any of them items will generate an order, this field specifies the status of that order. See api/Orders/StatusCodes |
integer |
None. |
SaleSourceID |
See SaleOptions.Sources in api/TillMenu/UnitInfo |
integer |
None. |
CashDrawerID |
The ID of the clsHardwareItem class object that was used when firing the cash drawer. Pass null if the cash drawer was not fired |
integer |
None. |
SourceCodeID |
Optional. If passed, it should match a CodeID from api/TillMenu/SourceCodes |
integer |
None. |
CustomSourceCodeText |
Optional. If the operator has entered a new Source Code that is not present in the api/TillMenu/SourceCodes call, then this can be used to potentially create a new Source Code, if the setup has this behaviour enabled. |
string |
None. |
OperatorID |
Optional. The Eskimo Operator ID of the person who performed the sale. If omitted, the operator 'SYSTEM' will be used. |
string |
None. |
OrderIDs |
Optional. Only pass if the relevent order type has been pre-reserved via /api/TillMenu/SaleIDs |
Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.OrderIDs |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "ShippingAmountNet": 1.0, "TillSystemVersion": 1, "CustomerRequestedEReceipt": true, "Items": [ { "ColourID": "sample string 1", "ColourName": "sample string 2", "ColourCode": "sample string 3", "Size": "sample string 4", "StyleID": "sample string 5", "InvoiceID": 1, "AccountsNominalCode": "sample string 6", "DepositAmount": 1.0, "CustomerAction": 7, "AdminOverrides": [ { "PermID": 1, "AdminOperatorID": "sample string 2", "Timestamp": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, { "PermID": 1, "AdminOperatorID": "sample string 2", "Timestamp": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" } ], "LineID": 8, "KitProductType": 1, "KitParentLine": 1, "RefundDetails": { "OriginalSalesRef": "sample string 1", "OriginalSalesLine": 2 }, "VatID": 1, "PLU": "sample string 9", "Qty": 10, "UnitPrice": 1.6, "FreeText": "sample string 11", "LineDiscount": 12.0, "LineDiscountPromo": 13.0, "Description": "sample string 14", "GiftCardDetails": { "Activated": true, "CardNumber": "sample string 2", "CardSerial": "sample string 3", "Reference": "sample string 4", "Balance": 5.0, "ExpiryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, "NoDiscountAllowed": true, "LinePrice": 16.0 }, { "ColourID": "sample string 1", "ColourName": "sample string 2", "ColourCode": "sample string 3", "Size": "sample string 4", "StyleID": "sample string 5", "InvoiceID": 1, "AccountsNominalCode": "sample string 6", "DepositAmount": 1.0, "CustomerAction": 7, "AdminOverrides": [ { "PermID": 1, "AdminOperatorID": "sample string 2", "Timestamp": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, { "PermID": 1, "AdminOperatorID": "sample string 2", "Timestamp": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" } ], "LineID": 8, "KitProductType": 1, "KitParentLine": 1, "RefundDetails": { "OriginalSalesRef": "sample string 1", "OriginalSalesLine": 2 }, "VatID": 1, "PLU": "sample string 9", "Qty": 10, "UnitPrice": 1.6, "FreeText": "sample string 11", "LineDiscount": 12.0, "LineDiscountPromo": 13.0, "Description": "sample string 14", "GiftCardDetails": { "Activated": true, "CardNumber": "sample string 2", "CardSerial": "sample string 3", "Reference": "sample string 4", "Balance": 5.0, "ExpiryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, "NoDiscountAllowed": true, "LinePrice": 16.0 } ], "Tenders": [ { "TenderID": 1, "Amount": 2.0, "PaidDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00", "TenderType": 1, "PaymentReference": "sample string 4", "GiftCardDetails": { "CardNumber": "sample string 1", "CardSerial": "sample string 2", "Reference": "sample string 3", "Balance": 4.0, "ExpiryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, "BankCardDetails": { "AuthCode": "sample string 1", "CardSupplier": "sample string 2", "MaskedPAN": "sample string 3" }, "CardToken": "sample string 5" }, { "TenderID": 1, "Amount": 2.0, "PaidDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00", "TenderType": 1, "PaymentReference": "sample string 4", "GiftCardDetails": { "CardNumber": "sample string 1", "CardSerial": "sample string 2", "Reference": "sample string 3", "Balance": 4.0, "ExpiryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, "BankCardDetails": { "AuthCode": "sample string 1", "CardSupplier": "sample string 2", "MaskedPAN": "sample string 3" }, "CardToken": "sample string 5" } ], "TotalOrder": 49.0, "TillNumber": 3, "ReceiptNumber": 1, "StoreID": "sample string 4", "ExternalIdentifier": "sample string 5", "EskimoCustomerID": "sample string 6", "DatePlaced": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00", "DeliveryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00", "InvoiceAddress": { "Company": "sample string 1", "Line1": "sample string 2", "Line2": "sample string 3", "Line3": "sample string 4", "PostalTown": "sample string 5", "Region": "sample string 6", "PostCode": "sample string 7", "CountryCode": "sample string 8", "Active": true }, "DeliveryAddress": { "Company": "sample string 1", "Line1": "sample string 2", "Line2": "sample string 3", "Line3": "sample string 4", "PostalTown": "sample string 5", "Region": "sample string 6", "PostCode": "sample string 7", "CountryCode": "sample string 8", "Active": true }, "ClickAndCollectShop": "sample string 8", "InvoiceAddressRef": "sample string 9", "DeliveryAddressRef": "sample string 10", "InvoiceFAO": "sample string 11", "DeliveryFAO": "sample string 12", "CustomerReference": "sample string 13", "SaleNotes": "sample string 14", "OrderNotes": "sample string 15", "DeliveryNotes": "sample string 16", "ShippingRateID": 1, "ShippingAmountGross": 17.0, "OrderStatus": 18, "SaleSourceID": 1, "CashDrawerID": 1, "SourceCodeID": 1, "CustomSourceCodeText": "sample string 19", "OperatorID": "sample string 20", "OrderIDs": [ { "OrderType": 1, "Value": 2 }, { "OrderType": 1, "Value": 2 } ] }, { "ShippingAmountNet": 1.0, "TillSystemVersion": 1, "CustomerRequestedEReceipt": true, "Items": [ { "ColourID": "sample string 1", "ColourName": "sample string 2", "ColourCode": "sample string 3", "Size": "sample string 4", "StyleID": "sample string 5", "InvoiceID": 1, "AccountsNominalCode": "sample string 6", "DepositAmount": 1.0, "CustomerAction": 7, "AdminOverrides": [ { "PermID": 1, "AdminOperatorID": "sample string 2", "Timestamp": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, { "PermID": 1, "AdminOperatorID": "sample string 2", "Timestamp": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" } ], "LineID": 8, "KitProductType": 1, "KitParentLine": 1, "RefundDetails": { "OriginalSalesRef": "sample string 1", "OriginalSalesLine": 2 }, "VatID": 1, "PLU": "sample string 9", "Qty": 10, "UnitPrice": 1.6, "FreeText": "sample string 11", "LineDiscount": 12.0, "LineDiscountPromo": 13.0, "Description": "sample string 14", "GiftCardDetails": { "Activated": true, "CardNumber": "sample string 2", "CardSerial": "sample string 3", "Reference": "sample string 4", "Balance": 5.0, "ExpiryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, "NoDiscountAllowed": true, "LinePrice": 16.0 }, { "ColourID": "sample string 1", "ColourName": "sample string 2", "ColourCode": "sample string 3", "Size": "sample string 4", "StyleID": "sample string 5", "InvoiceID": 1, "AccountsNominalCode": "sample string 6", "DepositAmount": 1.0, "CustomerAction": 7, "AdminOverrides": [ { "PermID": 1, "AdminOperatorID": "sample string 2", "Timestamp": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, { "PermID": 1, "AdminOperatorID": "sample string 2", "Timestamp": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" } ], "LineID": 8, "KitProductType": 1, "KitParentLine": 1, "RefundDetails": { "OriginalSalesRef": "sample string 1", "OriginalSalesLine": 2 }, "VatID": 1, "PLU": "sample string 9", "Qty": 10, "UnitPrice": 1.6, "FreeText": "sample string 11", "LineDiscount": 12.0, "LineDiscountPromo": 13.0, "Description": "sample string 14", "GiftCardDetails": { "Activated": true, "CardNumber": "sample string 2", "CardSerial": "sample string 3", "Reference": "sample string 4", "Balance": 5.0, "ExpiryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, "NoDiscountAllowed": true, "LinePrice": 16.0 } ], "Tenders": [ { "TenderID": 1, "Amount": 2.0, "PaidDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00", "TenderType": 1, "PaymentReference": "sample string 4", "GiftCardDetails": { "CardNumber": "sample string 1", "CardSerial": "sample string 2", "Reference": "sample string 3", "Balance": 4.0, "ExpiryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, "BankCardDetails": { "AuthCode": "sample string 1", "CardSupplier": "sample string 2", "MaskedPAN": "sample string 3" }, "CardToken": "sample string 5" }, { "TenderID": 1, "Amount": 2.0, "PaidDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00", "TenderType": 1, "PaymentReference": "sample string 4", "GiftCardDetails": { "CardNumber": "sample string 1", "CardSerial": "sample string 2", "Reference": "sample string 3", "Balance": 4.0, "ExpiryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00" }, "BankCardDetails": { "AuthCode": "sample string 1", "CardSupplier": "sample string 2", "MaskedPAN": "sample string 3" }, "CardToken": "sample string 5" } ], "TotalOrder": 49.0, "TillNumber": 3, "ReceiptNumber": 1, "StoreID": "sample string 4", "ExternalIdentifier": "sample string 5", "EskimoCustomerID": "sample string 6", "DatePlaced": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00", "DeliveryDate": "2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00", "InvoiceAddress": { "Company": "sample string 1", "Line1": "sample string 2", "Line2": "sample string 3", "Line3": "sample string 4", "PostalTown": "sample string 5", "Region": "sample string 6", "PostCode": "sample string 7", "CountryCode": "sample string 8", "Active": true }, "DeliveryAddress": { "Company": "sample string 1", "Line1": "sample string 2", "Line2": "sample string 3", "Line3": "sample string 4", "PostalTown": "sample string 5", "Region": "sample string 6", "PostCode": "sample string 7", "CountryCode": "sample string 8", "Active": true }, "ClickAndCollectShop": "sample string 8", "InvoiceAddressRef": "sample string 9", "DeliveryAddressRef": "sample string 10", "InvoiceFAO": "sample string 11", "DeliveryFAO": "sample string 12", "CustomerReference": "sample string 13", "SaleNotes": "sample string 14", "OrderNotes": "sample string 15", "DeliveryNotes": "sample string 16", "ShippingRateID": 1, "ShippingAmountGross": 17.0, "OrderStatus": 18, "SaleSourceID": 1, "CashDrawerID": 1, "SourceCodeID": 1, "CustomSourceCodeText": "sample string 19", "OperatorID": "sample string 20", "OrderIDs": [ { "OrderType": 1, "Value": 2 }, { "OrderType": 1, "Value": 2 } ] } ]
application/xml, text/xml
<ArrayOfclsSaleExt xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <clsSaleExt> <CashDrawerID>1</CashDrawerID> <ClickAndCollectShop>sample string 8</ClickAndCollectShop> <CustomSourceCodeText>sample string 19</CustomSourceCodeText> <CustomerReference>sample string 13</CustomerReference> <CustomerRequestedEReceipt>true</CustomerRequestedEReceipt> <DatePlaced>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</DatePlaced> <DeliveryAddress> <Active>true</Active> <Company>sample string 1</Company> <CountryCode>sample string 8</CountryCode> <Line1>sample string 2</Line1> <Line2>sample string 3</Line2> <Line3>sample string 4</Line3> <PostCode>sample string 7</PostCode> <PostalTown>sample string 5</PostalTown> <Region>sample string 6</Region> </DeliveryAddress> <DeliveryAddressRef>sample string 10</DeliveryAddressRef> <DeliveryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</DeliveryDate> <DeliveryFAO>sample string 12</DeliveryFAO> <DeliveryNotes>sample string 16</DeliveryNotes> <EskimoCustomerID>sample string 6</EskimoCustomerID> <ExternalIdentifier>sample string 5</ExternalIdentifier> <InvoiceAddress> <Active>true</Active> <Company>sample string 1</Company> <CountryCode>sample string 8</CountryCode> <Line1>sample string 2</Line1> <Line2>sample string 3</Line2> <Line3>sample string 4</Line3> <PostCode>sample string 7</PostCode> <PostalTown>sample string 5</PostalTown> <Region>sample string 6</Region> </InvoiceAddress> <InvoiceAddressRef>sample string 9</InvoiceAddressRef> <InvoiceFAO>sample string 11</InvoiceFAO> <Items> <clsSalesItemExt> <Description>sample string 14</Description> <FreeText>sample string 11</FreeText> <GiftCardDetails> <Balance>5</Balance> <CardNumber>sample string 2</CardNumber> <CardSerial>sample string 3</CardSerial> <ExpiryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</ExpiryDate> <Reference>sample string 4</Reference> <Activated>true</Activated> </GiftCardDetails> <LineDiscount>12</LineDiscount> <LineDiscountPromo>13</LineDiscountPromo> <LinePrice>16</LinePrice> <NoDiscountAllowed>true</NoDiscountAllowed> <PLU>sample string 9</PLU> <Qty>10</Qty> <AdminOverrides> <clsAdminOverride> <AdminOperatorID>sample string 2</AdminOperatorID> <PermID>1</PermID> <Timestamp>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</Timestamp> </clsAdminOverride> <clsAdminOverride> <AdminOperatorID>sample string 2</AdminOperatorID> <PermID>1</PermID> <Timestamp>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</Timestamp> </clsAdminOverride> </AdminOverrides> <CustomerAction>7</CustomerAction> <DepositAmount>1</DepositAmount> <KitParentLine>1</KitParentLine> <KitProductType>FixedHeader</KitProductType> <LineID>8</LineID> <RefundDetails> <OriginalSalesLine>2</OriginalSalesLine> <OriginalSalesRef>sample string 1</OriginalSalesRef> </RefundDetails> <VatID>1</VatID> <AccountsNominalCode>sample string 6</AccountsNominalCode> <ColourCode>sample string 3</ColourCode> <ColourID>sample string 1</ColourID> <ColourName>sample string 2</ColourName> <InvoiceID>1</InvoiceID> <Size>sample string 4</Size> <StyleID>sample string 5</StyleID> </clsSalesItemExt> <clsSalesItemExt> <Description>sample string 14</Description> <FreeText>sample string 11</FreeText> <GiftCardDetails> <Balance>5</Balance> <CardNumber>sample string 2</CardNumber> <CardSerial>sample string 3</CardSerial> <ExpiryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</ExpiryDate> <Reference>sample string 4</Reference> <Activated>true</Activated> </GiftCardDetails> <LineDiscount>12</LineDiscount> <LineDiscountPromo>13</LineDiscountPromo> <LinePrice>16</LinePrice> <NoDiscountAllowed>true</NoDiscountAllowed> <PLU>sample string 9</PLU> <Qty>10</Qty> <AdminOverrides> <clsAdminOverride> <AdminOperatorID>sample string 2</AdminOperatorID> <PermID>1</PermID> <Timestamp>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</Timestamp> </clsAdminOverride> <clsAdminOverride> <AdminOperatorID>sample string 2</AdminOperatorID> <PermID>1</PermID> <Timestamp>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</Timestamp> </clsAdminOverride> </AdminOverrides> <CustomerAction>7</CustomerAction> <DepositAmount>1</DepositAmount> <KitParentLine>1</KitParentLine> <KitProductType>FixedHeader</KitProductType> <LineID>8</LineID> <RefundDetails> <OriginalSalesLine>2</OriginalSalesLine> <OriginalSalesRef>sample string 1</OriginalSalesRef> </RefundDetails> <VatID>1</VatID> <AccountsNominalCode>sample string 6</AccountsNominalCode> <ColourCode>sample string 3</ColourCode> <ColourID>sample string 1</ColourID> <ColourName>sample string 2</ColourName> <InvoiceID>1</InvoiceID> <Size>sample string 4</Size> <StyleID>sample string 5</StyleID> </clsSalesItemExt> </Items> <OperatorID>sample string 20</OperatorID> <OrderIDs> <OrderIDs> <OrderType>1</OrderType> <Value>2</Value> </OrderIDs> <OrderIDs> <OrderType>1</OrderType> <Value>2</Value> </OrderIDs> </OrderIDs> <OrderNotes>sample string 15</OrderNotes> <OrderStatus>18</OrderStatus> <ReceiptNumber>1</ReceiptNumber> <SaleNotes>sample string 14</SaleNotes> <SaleSourceID>1</SaleSourceID> <ShippingAmountGross>17</ShippingAmountGross> <ShippingRateID>1</ShippingRateID> <SourceCodeID>1</SourceCodeID> <StoreID>sample string 4</StoreID> <Tenders> <clsTenderEntry> <Amount>2</Amount> <BankCardDetails> <AuthCode>sample string 1</AuthCode> <CardSupplier>sample string 2</CardSupplier> <MaskedPAN>sample string 3</MaskedPAN> </BankCardDetails> <CardToken>sample string 5</CardToken> <GiftCardDetails> <Balance>4</Balance> <CardNumber>sample string 1</CardNumber> <CardSerial>sample string 2</CardSerial> <ExpiryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</ExpiryDate> <Reference>sample string 3</Reference> </GiftCardDetails> <PaidDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</PaidDate> <PaymentReference>sample string 4</PaymentReference> <TenderID>1</TenderID> <TenderType>Standard</TenderType> </clsTenderEntry> <clsTenderEntry> <Amount>2</Amount> <BankCardDetails> <AuthCode>sample string 1</AuthCode> <CardSupplier>sample string 2</CardSupplier> <MaskedPAN>sample string 3</MaskedPAN> </BankCardDetails> <CardToken>sample string 5</CardToken> <GiftCardDetails> <Balance>4</Balance> <CardNumber>sample string 1</CardNumber> <CardSerial>sample string 2</CardSerial> <ExpiryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</ExpiryDate> <Reference>sample string 3</Reference> </GiftCardDetails> <PaidDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</PaidDate> <PaymentReference>sample string 4</PaymentReference> <TenderID>1</TenderID> <TenderType>Standard</TenderType> </clsTenderEntry> </Tenders> <TillNumber>3</TillNumber> <TillSystemVersion>1</TillSystemVersion> <ShippingAmountNet>1</ShippingAmountNet> </clsSaleExt> <clsSaleExt> <CashDrawerID>1</CashDrawerID> <ClickAndCollectShop>sample string 8</ClickAndCollectShop> <CustomSourceCodeText>sample string 19</CustomSourceCodeText> <CustomerReference>sample string 13</CustomerReference> <CustomerRequestedEReceipt>true</CustomerRequestedEReceipt> <DatePlaced>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</DatePlaced> <DeliveryAddress> <Active>true</Active> <Company>sample string 1</Company> <CountryCode>sample string 8</CountryCode> <Line1>sample string 2</Line1> <Line2>sample string 3</Line2> <Line3>sample string 4</Line3> <PostCode>sample string 7</PostCode> <PostalTown>sample string 5</PostalTown> <Region>sample string 6</Region> </DeliveryAddress> <DeliveryAddressRef>sample string 10</DeliveryAddressRef> <DeliveryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</DeliveryDate> <DeliveryFAO>sample string 12</DeliveryFAO> <DeliveryNotes>sample string 16</DeliveryNotes> <EskimoCustomerID>sample string 6</EskimoCustomerID> <ExternalIdentifier>sample string 5</ExternalIdentifier> <InvoiceAddress> <Active>true</Active> <Company>sample string 1</Company> <CountryCode>sample string 8</CountryCode> <Line1>sample string 2</Line1> <Line2>sample string 3</Line2> <Line3>sample string 4</Line3> <PostCode>sample string 7</PostCode> <PostalTown>sample string 5</PostalTown> <Region>sample string 6</Region> </InvoiceAddress> <InvoiceAddressRef>sample string 9</InvoiceAddressRef> <InvoiceFAO>sample string 11</InvoiceFAO> <Items> <clsSalesItemExt> <Description>sample string 14</Description> <FreeText>sample string 11</FreeText> <GiftCardDetails> <Balance>5</Balance> <CardNumber>sample string 2</CardNumber> <CardSerial>sample string 3</CardSerial> <ExpiryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</ExpiryDate> <Reference>sample string 4</Reference> <Activated>true</Activated> </GiftCardDetails> <LineDiscount>12</LineDiscount> <LineDiscountPromo>13</LineDiscountPromo> <LinePrice>16</LinePrice> <NoDiscountAllowed>true</NoDiscountAllowed> <PLU>sample string 9</PLU> <Qty>10</Qty> <AdminOverrides> <clsAdminOverride> <AdminOperatorID>sample string 2</AdminOperatorID> <PermID>1</PermID> <Timestamp>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</Timestamp> </clsAdminOverride> <clsAdminOverride> <AdminOperatorID>sample string 2</AdminOperatorID> <PermID>1</PermID> <Timestamp>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</Timestamp> </clsAdminOverride> </AdminOverrides> <CustomerAction>7</CustomerAction> <DepositAmount>1</DepositAmount> <KitParentLine>1</KitParentLine> <KitProductType>FixedHeader</KitProductType> <LineID>8</LineID> <RefundDetails> <OriginalSalesLine>2</OriginalSalesLine> <OriginalSalesRef>sample string 1</OriginalSalesRef> </RefundDetails> <VatID>1</VatID> <AccountsNominalCode>sample string 6</AccountsNominalCode> <ColourCode>sample string 3</ColourCode> <ColourID>sample string 1</ColourID> <ColourName>sample string 2</ColourName> <InvoiceID>1</InvoiceID> <Size>sample string 4</Size> <StyleID>sample string 5</StyleID> </clsSalesItemExt> <clsSalesItemExt> <Description>sample string 14</Description> <FreeText>sample string 11</FreeText> <GiftCardDetails> <Balance>5</Balance> <CardNumber>sample string 2</CardNumber> <CardSerial>sample string 3</CardSerial> <ExpiryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</ExpiryDate> <Reference>sample string 4</Reference> <Activated>true</Activated> </GiftCardDetails> <LineDiscount>12</LineDiscount> <LineDiscountPromo>13</LineDiscountPromo> <LinePrice>16</LinePrice> <NoDiscountAllowed>true</NoDiscountAllowed> <PLU>sample string 9</PLU> <Qty>10</Qty> <AdminOverrides> <clsAdminOverride> <AdminOperatorID>sample string 2</AdminOperatorID> <PermID>1</PermID> <Timestamp>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</Timestamp> </clsAdminOverride> <clsAdminOverride> <AdminOperatorID>sample string 2</AdminOperatorID> <PermID>1</PermID> <Timestamp>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</Timestamp> </clsAdminOverride> </AdminOverrides> <CustomerAction>7</CustomerAction> <DepositAmount>1</DepositAmount> <KitParentLine>1</KitParentLine> <KitProductType>FixedHeader</KitProductType> <LineID>8</LineID> <RefundDetails> <OriginalSalesLine>2</OriginalSalesLine> <OriginalSalesRef>sample string 1</OriginalSalesRef> </RefundDetails> <VatID>1</VatID> <AccountsNominalCode>sample string 6</AccountsNominalCode> <ColourCode>sample string 3</ColourCode> <ColourID>sample string 1</ColourID> <ColourName>sample string 2</ColourName> <InvoiceID>1</InvoiceID> <Size>sample string 4</Size> <StyleID>sample string 5</StyleID> </clsSalesItemExt> </Items> <OperatorID>sample string 20</OperatorID> <OrderIDs> <OrderIDs> <OrderType>1</OrderType> <Value>2</Value> </OrderIDs> <OrderIDs> <OrderType>1</OrderType> <Value>2</Value> </OrderIDs> </OrderIDs> <OrderNotes>sample string 15</OrderNotes> <OrderStatus>18</OrderStatus> <ReceiptNumber>1</ReceiptNumber> <SaleNotes>sample string 14</SaleNotes> <SaleSourceID>1</SaleSourceID> <ShippingAmountGross>17</ShippingAmountGross> <ShippingRateID>1</ShippingRateID> <SourceCodeID>1</SourceCodeID> <StoreID>sample string 4</StoreID> <Tenders> <clsTenderEntry> <Amount>2</Amount> <BankCardDetails> <AuthCode>sample string 1</AuthCode> <CardSupplier>sample string 2</CardSupplier> <MaskedPAN>sample string 3</MaskedPAN> </BankCardDetails> <CardToken>sample string 5</CardToken> <GiftCardDetails> <Balance>4</Balance> <CardNumber>sample string 1</CardNumber> <CardSerial>sample string 2</CardSerial> <ExpiryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</ExpiryDate> <Reference>sample string 3</Reference> </GiftCardDetails> <PaidDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</PaidDate> <PaymentReference>sample string 4</PaymentReference> <TenderID>1</TenderID> <TenderType>Standard</TenderType> </clsTenderEntry> <clsTenderEntry> <Amount>2</Amount> <BankCardDetails> <AuthCode>sample string 1</AuthCode> <CardSupplier>sample string 2</CardSupplier> <MaskedPAN>sample string 3</MaskedPAN> </BankCardDetails> <CardToken>sample string 5</CardToken> <GiftCardDetails> <Balance>4</Balance> <CardNumber>sample string 1</CardNumber> <CardSerial>sample string 2</CardSerial> <ExpiryDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</ExpiryDate> <Reference>sample string 3</Reference> </GiftCardDetails> <PaidDate>2025-03-09T15:23:19.195595+00:00</PaidDate> <PaymentReference>sample string 4</PaymentReference> <TenderID>1</TenderID> <TenderType>Standard</TenderType> </clsTenderEntry> </Tenders> <TillNumber>3</TillNumber> <TillSystemVersion>1</TillSystemVersion> <ShippingAmountNet>1</ShippingAmountNet> </clsSaleExt> </ArrayOfclsSaleExt>