POST api/ImageLinks/All
Return a batch of Image Link class objects (max 10,000 at a time). This will help you make a link between the Image ID and the Product ID for example, or the Image ID and the SKU ID. The same Image could be linked to more than one product.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
RecordSelection class (passed in the request body)
EskimoClassLibraries.RecordSelectionWithDateName | Description | Type | Additional information |
TimeStampFrom |
Optional property that enables you to only receive products that have been added or modified in the Eskimo system since this timestamp. |
date |
None. |
StartPosition |
Initially, pass 1 to return the first record. |
integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 2147483647 |
RecordCount |
The number of records to be returned. |
integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 10000 |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "TimeStampFrom": "2025-03-09T15:37:32.3454513+00:00", "StartPosition": 2, "RecordCount": 3 }
application/xml, text/xml
<RecordSelectionWithDate xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <RecordCount>3</RecordCount> <StartPosition>2</StartPosition> <TimeStampFrom>2025-03-09T15:37:32.3454513+00:00</TimeStampFrom> </RecordSelectionWithDate>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.clsImageLinkName | Description | Type | Additional information |
WebImageID |
The AlphaNumeric Web ID of the Image Link |
string |
None. |
EskimoLinkID |
The alphanumeric Eskimo ID of the image link. This is made up of the Object ID (below) and the Eskimo Link ID |
string |
Required |
WebImageLinkID |
The Alphanumeric Web ID of the image link |
string |
None. |
sku_code |
The SKU (if the ImageLinkType is 100) |
string |
None. |
LastModified |
The date the link was last modified |
date |
None. |
EskimoImageID |
The numeric Eskimo ID of the image |
integer |
Required |
ObjectID |
The Eskimo ID of the object this links so. For instance, if it is a SKU image, it will be the sku_code from the SKUs controller; if it is a Category image type, then it will be the Eskimo_Category_ID from the Categories controller etc. |
string |
Required |
ImageLinkType | EskimoClassLibraries.clsImageLinkBase+ImageLinkTypeEnum |
Required |
Index |
If a product has more than one image, it will have three entries in the images controller, the first (main) one will have an Index of 1 and the subsequent ones will be 2 and 3. |
integer |
Required |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "WebImageID": "sample string 1", "EskimoLinkID": "sample string 2", "WebImageLinkID": "sample string 3", "sku_code": "sample string 4", "LastModified": "2025-03-09T15:37:32.3454513+00:00", "EskimoImageID": 6, "ObjectID": "sample string 7", "ImageLinkType": 100, "Index": 8 }, { "WebImageID": "sample string 1", "EskimoLinkID": "sample string 2", "WebImageLinkID": "sample string 3", "sku_code": "sample string 4", "LastModified": "2025-03-09T15:37:32.3454513+00:00", "EskimoImageID": 6, "ObjectID": "sample string 7", "ImageLinkType": 100, "Index": 8 } ]
application/xml, text/xml
<ArrayOfclsImageLink xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <clsImageLink> <EskimoImageID>6</EskimoImageID> <ImageLinkType>SKU</ImageLinkType> <Index>8</Index> <ObjectID>sample string 7</ObjectID> <EskimoLinkID>sample string 2</EskimoLinkID> <LastModified>2025-03-09T15:37:32.3454513+00:00</LastModified> <WebImageID>sample string 1</WebImageID> <WebImageLinkID>sample string 3</WebImageLinkID> <sku_code>sample string 4</sku_code> </clsImageLink> <clsImageLink> <EskimoImageID>6</EskimoImageID> <ImageLinkType>SKU</ImageLinkType> <Index>8</Index> <ObjectID>sample string 7</ObjectID> <EskimoLinkID>sample string 2</EskimoLinkID> <LastModified>2025-03-09T15:37:32.3454513+00:00</LastModified> <WebImageID>sample string 1</WebImageID> <WebImageLinkID>sample string 3</WebImageLinkID> <sku_code>sample string 4</sku_code> </clsImageLink> </ArrayOfclsImageLink>