POST api/SKUs/All
Returns a batch of SKU objects (max 10,000 at a time). Initially this could be used to populate the website database with all of Eskimo's SKUs, this would be done by looping through all the entries with no filtering. Once the initial population is done, a timestamp could be stored locally. Smaller daily or hourly requests could then be made to find any new or changed SKUs since the last request by passing the local stored date into the body parameter RecordSelectionWithDate
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
EskimoClassLibraries.SKUsRecordSelectionName | Description | Type | Additional information |
IncludeStockAdjustments |
If this property is turned on, SKUs that have had stock level changes will also be included in the results regardless of whether their actual product information has changed. |
boolean |
None. |
TimeStampFrom |
Optional property that enables you to only receive products that have been added or modified in the Eskimo system since this timestamp. |
date |
None. |
StartPosition |
Initially, pass 1 to return the first record. |
integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 2147483647 |
RecordCount |
The number of records to be returned. |
integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 10000 |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "IncludeStockAdjustments": true, "TimeStampFrom": "2025-03-09T15:16:08.6311215+00:00", "StartPosition": 3, "RecordCount": 4 }
application/xml, text/xml
<SKUsRecordSelection xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <RecordCount>4</RecordCount> <StartPosition>3</StartPosition> <TimeStampFrom>2025-03-09T15:16:08.6311215+00:00</TimeStampFrom> <IncludeStockAdjustments>true</IncludeStockAdjustments> </SKUsRecordSelection>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.clsSKUName | Description | Type | Additional information |
eskimo_product_identifier | string |
Required |
trade_customer_id |
Eskimo Customer ID - See the Customer Controller. If this product is specifically for a trade customer, then this property denotes which customer it is for. If it is a generic product then this will be zero-length string. |
string |
Matching regular expression pattern: \d{3}[-]\d{6} String length: inclusive between 10 and 10 |
sku_code |
This is the barcode or PLU number. In a retail shop, this will be the code that the operator will scan into the till at POS. This can either be a code that exclusively represents that product worldwide, or it could be a unique code for that retailer only - one that they have assigned to the product. |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 35 |
additional_sku_code |
Optional. An additional barcode. Supplier's EAN perhaps. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 35 |
Style_Reference |
On top of the sku code, Eskimo uses a Style Reference code to group SKUs together of a similar type. For example, you may have a jumper that comes in 3 colours and 3 sizes. All 9 of the SKUs will share the same Style Reference code (JUM-01 for example) but they will also have unique sku codes. This field should have the same value as the style_reference property on the Products controller for the same product. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
ColourID |
The Eskimo Colour code. (i.e. BK) |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 6 |
ColourName |
The name of the colour (i.e. Black) |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
Size |
The size of the product (i.e. Small or 23") |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
CostPrice |
The price that the retailer pays to obtain the product |
decimal number |
Required |
Optional. The Supplier's Recommended Retail Selling price of the item. Where this is higher than the 'Sell Price', a 'saving' can be advertised to the end-user. |
decimal number |
None. |
SellPrice |
The sell price to be used on the website |
decimal number |
Required |
SellPrice2 |
A secondary sell price which can sometimes be used on the website, usually as a trade price |
decimal number |
Required |
PhysicalStock |
The Physical amount of stock the retailer has for this item |
integer |
None. |
Demand |
Customer demand for this item. Orders that customer's have placed which are yet be dispatched to them. |
integer |
None. |
StockAmount |
The quantity of items the retailer has on hand to sell in the current shop. Free stock. (Physical Stock minus Demand) |
integer |
Required |
TaxCodeID |
The Eskimo Tax Code ID. Links to the TaxCodes controller. |
integer |
Required |
PersonalisationPrompt |
If this product is personalisable (i.e. printed t-shirts or engraved trophies) then this text denotes the prompt to the purchaser (i.e. Please enter the name to be engraved.) |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
PersonalisationSurCharge |
Some products have the option of being personalised for a extra fee. This field denotes that fee. |
decimal number |
None. |
Position |
The order in which these should be displayed in the GUI to the end user |
integer |
None. |
web_id |
This is the Primary Key that the website is using for this SKU. Note this is unique per product - so they same SKU may be in two different products and will therefore have a different Web ID assigned. Call the UpdateCartIDs method to set these values |
string |
None. |
OutOfStockBehaviour |
Specified the desired behaviour when the product is out of stock |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsSKU+OutOfStockBehaviourEnum |
None. |
WeightValue |
The value of the weight of this SKU. |
decimal number |
None. |
WeightUnit |
The weight unit. For example kg, lbs, grams. See GET api/MeasureUnits/All |
integer |
None. |
BrandId |
The Id of the Brand |
integer |
None. |
BrandName |
The name of the brand if applicable (i.e. Nike, Adidas) |
string |
None. |
PackageStatus |
Controls whether the SKU should be sold as a normal SKU, or only be used within a Product Package/Kit |
EskimoClassLibraries.clsSKU+PackageStatusEnum |
None. |
CustomAttributeLinks | Collection of EskimoClassLibraries.clsSKUAttributeLink |
None. |
AddField01 |
An additional string field for this product. The retailer can use this for whatever purpose they need. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
AddField02 |
An additional string field for this product. The retailer can use this for whatever purpose they need. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
AddField03 |
An additional string field for this product. The retailer can use this for whatever purpose they need. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 4000 |
AddField04 |
An additional key/value pair field for this product. The retailer can use this for whatever purpose they need. |
Pair of integer [key] and string [value] |
None. |
AddField05 |
An additional key/value pair field for this product. The retailer can use this for whatever purpose they need. |
Pair of integer [key] and string [value] |
None. |
AddField06 |
An additional boolean field for this product. The retailer can use this for whatever purpose they need. |
boolean |
None. |
AddField15 |
An additional boolean field for this product. The retailer can use this for whatever purpose they need. |
boolean |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "eskimo_product_identifier": "sample string 1", "trade_customer_id": "sample string 2", "sku_code": "sample string 3", "additional_sku_code": "sample string 4", "Style_Reference": "sample string 5", "ColourID": "sample string 6", "ColourName": "sample string 7", "Size": "sample string 8", "CostPrice": 9.0, "RRP": 1.0, "SellPrice": 10.0, "SellPrice2": 11.0, "PhysicalStock": 12, "Demand": 13, "StockAmount": 14, "TaxCodeID": 15, "PersonalisationPrompt": "sample string 16", "PersonalisationSurCharge": 17.0, "Position": 18, "web_id": "sample string 19", "OutOfStockBehaviour": 1, "WeightValue": 20.0, "WeightUnit": 21, "BrandId": 1, "BrandName": "sample string 22", "PackageStatus": 0, "CustomAttributeLinks": [ { "Id": 1, "AttributeValueId": 2, "AttributeId": 3, "Active": true }, { "Id": 1, "AttributeValueId": 2, "AttributeId": 3, "Active": true } ], "AddField01": "sample string 23", "AddField02": "sample string 24", "AddField03": "sample string 25", "AddField04": { "Key": 1, "Value": "sample string 2" }, "AddField05": { "Key": 1, "Value": "sample string 2" }, "AddField06": true, "AddField15": true }, { "eskimo_product_identifier": "sample string 1", "trade_customer_id": "sample string 2", "sku_code": "sample string 3", "additional_sku_code": "sample string 4", "Style_Reference": "sample string 5", "ColourID": "sample string 6", "ColourName": "sample string 7", "Size": "sample string 8", "CostPrice": 9.0, "RRP": 1.0, "SellPrice": 10.0, "SellPrice2": 11.0, "PhysicalStock": 12, "Demand": 13, "StockAmount": 14, "TaxCodeID": 15, "PersonalisationPrompt": "sample string 16", "PersonalisationSurCharge": 17.0, "Position": 18, "web_id": "sample string 19", "OutOfStockBehaviour": 1, "WeightValue": 20.0, "WeightUnit": 21, "BrandId": 1, "BrandName": "sample string 22", "PackageStatus": 0, "CustomAttributeLinks": [ { "Id": 1, "AttributeValueId": 2, "AttributeId": 3, "Active": true }, { "Id": 1, "AttributeValueId": 2, "AttributeId": 3, "Active": true } ], "AddField01": "sample string 23", "AddField02": "sample string 24", "AddField03": "sample string 25", "AddField04": { "Key": 1, "Value": "sample string 2" }, "AddField05": { "Key": 1, "Value": "sample string 2" }, "AddField06": true, "AddField15": true } ]
application/xml, text/xml
<ArrayOfclsSKU xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <clsSKU> <AddField01>sample string 23</AddField01> <AddField02>sample string 24</AddField02> <AddField03>sample string 25</AddField03> <AddField04 xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:key>1</d3p1:key> <d3p1:value>sample string 2</d3p1:value> </AddField04> <AddField05 xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:key>1</d3p1:key> <d3p1:value>sample string 2</d3p1:value> </AddField05> <AddField06>true</AddField06> <AddField15>true</AddField15> <BrandId>1</BrandId> <BrandName>sample string 22</BrandName> <ColourID>sample string 6</ColourID> <ColourName>sample string 7</ColourName> <CostPrice>9</CostPrice> <CustomAttributeLinks> <clsSKUAttributeLink> <Active>true</Active> <AttributeId>3</AttributeId> <AttributeValueId>2</AttributeValueId> <Id>1</Id> </clsSKUAttributeLink> <clsSKUAttributeLink> <Active>true</Active> <AttributeId>3</AttributeId> <AttributeValueId>2</AttributeValueId> <Id>1</Id> </clsSKUAttributeLink> </CustomAttributeLinks> <Demand>13</Demand> <OutOfStockBehaviour>NoPurchaseAllowed</OutOfStockBehaviour> <PackageStatus>NormalOrPackageComponent</PackageStatus> <PersonalisationPrompt>sample string 16</PersonalisationPrompt> <PersonalisationSurCharge>17</PersonalisationSurCharge> <PhysicalStock>12</PhysicalStock> <Position>18</Position> <RRP>1</RRP> <SellPrice>10</SellPrice> <SellPrice2>11</SellPrice2> <Size>sample string 8</Size> <StockAmount>14</StockAmount> <Style_Reference>sample string 5</Style_Reference> <TaxCodeID>15</TaxCodeID> <WeightUnit>21</WeightUnit> <WeightValue>20</WeightValue> <additional_sku_code>sample string 4</additional_sku_code> <eskimo_product_identifier>sample string 1</eskimo_product_identifier> <sku_code>sample string 3</sku_code> <trade_customer_id>sample string 2</trade_customer_id> <web_id>sample string 19</web_id> </clsSKU> <clsSKU> <AddField01>sample string 23</AddField01> <AddField02>sample string 24</AddField02> <AddField03>sample string 25</AddField03> <AddField04 xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:key>1</d3p1:key> <d3p1:value>sample string 2</d3p1:value> </AddField04> <AddField05 xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:key>1</d3p1:key> <d3p1:value>sample string 2</d3p1:value> </AddField05> <AddField06>true</AddField06> <AddField15>true</AddField15> <BrandId>1</BrandId> <BrandName>sample string 22</BrandName> <ColourID>sample string 6</ColourID> <ColourName>sample string 7</ColourName> <CostPrice>9</CostPrice> <CustomAttributeLinks> <clsSKUAttributeLink> <Active>true</Active> <AttributeId>3</AttributeId> <AttributeValueId>2</AttributeValueId> <Id>1</Id> </clsSKUAttributeLink> <clsSKUAttributeLink> <Active>true</Active> <AttributeId>3</AttributeId> <AttributeValueId>2</AttributeValueId> <Id>1</Id> </clsSKUAttributeLink> </CustomAttributeLinks> <Demand>13</Demand> <OutOfStockBehaviour>NoPurchaseAllowed</OutOfStockBehaviour> <PackageStatus>NormalOrPackageComponent</PackageStatus> <PersonalisationPrompt>sample string 16</PersonalisationPrompt> <PersonalisationSurCharge>17</PersonalisationSurCharge> <PhysicalStock>12</PhysicalStock> <Position>18</Position> <RRP>1</RRP> <SellPrice>10</SellPrice> <SellPrice2>11</SellPrice2> <Size>sample string 8</Size> <StockAmount>14</StockAmount> <Style_Reference>sample string 5</Style_Reference> <TaxCodeID>15</TaxCodeID> <WeightUnit>21</WeightUnit> <WeightValue>20</WeightValue> <additional_sku_code>sample string 4</additional_sku_code> <eskimo_product_identifier>sample string 1</eskimo_product_identifier> <sku_code>sample string 3</sku_code> <trade_customer_id>sample string 2</trade_customer_id> <web_id>sample string 19</web_id> </clsSKU> </ArrayOfclsSKU>